Archive for November 2008



Editorial Note: Below is a link to a pdf file containing the first chapter – One Nexion, One New Beginning – of a fictional story by David Myatt, written using his pseudonym of Anton Long, and entitled Fundi. The story, written in the late 1970’s CE, is set in the last days of The Third Reich.

Some – or all – of this first chapter has been published on the Net before, under titles such as “Nexion: A Beginning”, although all these previous versions contain a multitude of scanning errors and typos (making them almost unreadable in places) and these errors and typos have been removed from the pdf file published here.

However, there are probably still one or two errors in this pdf file – certainly, there is a name missing in paragraph four, indicated in the text with […].


Witch of the Welsh Marches

Mitchell's Fold

Below is an article (c.1984) which was printed in issue #4 (Volume IV) [LOT22] of The Lamp of Thoth magazine, published by Chris Bray, of the SA, Leeds, England. The article was attributed to “Dave Myatt” and appeared under the title Witch of the Welsh Marshes.

However, the title of Myatt’s typescript was Witch of the Welsh Marches – but it seems that Chris Bray (the editor of the magazine) did not then know that Marches was (and still is) the word used by people of Shropshire for their border area with Wales, so he changed it to “marshes”. The word Marches has since become familiar to even non-residents of Shropshire. It seems that Mr Bray made some other small changes to the submitted MS (in terms of spelling, capitalization, word order, punctuation and grammar, and changed a few words, as well) not appreciating what was, even then, Myatt’s idiosyncratic writing style and his deliberate spelling of certain words (such as reflexion instead of “reflection”, “truely” instead of “truly” and saught instead of “sought”).

Witch of the Welsh Marches

It was quite by chance (or the will of the gods?) that I met what must be one of the few genuine “Cunning Women” left in Britain. Her pre-war bicycle, which she used to carry her supplies from the village shop to her isolated cottage, had suffered a puncture. I was exploring the lanes of the Welsh border by bicycle (the only really civilized mode of transport) looking for stone circles and sites of magical interest when I passed her and offered help.

Gruffly, she accepted, and soon the puncture was repaired. Thinking she might have local insight I asked her if she knew about any stone circles in the area. She shrugged her shoulders. Then I asked about the places I thought might be connected with Wild Edric. Did she think Bron Wrgon really exists near here? At this she showed some little interest and began to open up telling me about the border area she knew as a child when the horse was the only mode of transport and daily life involved much toil and struggle.

We chatted as we walked along the narrow, twisting lane until we came to her cottage which had been in the family for many generations. Her parents had scratched a living from the land. She herself kept a few cattle, chickens and geese. Inside, the cottage was dark, damp, without electricity or any form of heating save a wood fire and stove. It was by modern standards squalid. Not a place where a city-dweller could feel at home.

I asked what she did if her cattle took sick. She smiled at my ignorance and explained about the charms she used. As I listened and learned from her then and on subsequent visits, I realized that there was little that connected this cunning woman with the modern witchcraft revival.

Her charms and spells were simple affairs, deriving from folk beliefs. She lived alone and the little magic that she did was done alone, for the benefit of herself and the few local (and mostly older) people who on occasion sought her help, bringing simple gifts in payment – a few candles, a bar of soap, some tea.

She prayed to no god or goddess – all she knew was that her own mother, and her mother before, had used the same charms, spells and methods and they seemed to work. She believed that every part of the land possessed spirits. Some were friendly, others not. It was these spirits (which had no names) which brought sickness to cattle, blight to crops and made people ill. They could be won over, or tricked or cajoled to help. She always left a little bit of her own food for these spirits – would place little offerings or objects in the nearby stream, tie pieces of cloth or paper to the branches of trees. Every winter when the Sun turned on the shortest day (and it did not seem to matter to her that she might be a few days early or late) she would walk the lee of the hill whose valley bottom held her stream, to light a small fire to remind the Sun to return.

Her beliefs and practises were important to her. They might be a mixture of Saxon or Celtic “superstition” or custom – or be derived from an even earlier past – but she was part of a tradition born of rural life and nurtured by the isolation and in-breeding which often takes place in small communities. This tradition would die with her and could never be revived, she said, because it depended on a way of living that modern society and particularly “education” had destroyed.

This Cunning Woman – like most of her ancestors – was mostly ignorant of the world beyond her cottage and small rural area. It was this lack of knowledge which was in fact her strength and the source of her power (I was told by one of the Cunning Woman’s neighbours – who thought she had always been a little mad – that in her youth when she was fair and comely she had paralyzed a young man, who had annoyed her, for several minutes just by staring at him). She was part of the land in a way that it is difficult for us to understand – not part in any romantic, idealistic way or because she believed in an ancient faith (which she did not), but because she felt the planet around her was actually alive and connected, by spirits, to herself.

Modern Society, with its “sophisticated” ideas, would dispense with the Cunning Woman’s approach to life by labelling it as some psychological syndrome and then assume, because it had been labelled, it was understood. In many ways our lives for the most part are less real and genuine than that of this woman and her kind.

Modern Wicca (and the Occult in general) has lost this realness by its very popularity. By imposing a system of beliefs/ideas/rites/dogma between the individual and Nature, by not living directly upon the land (but mostly in towns and cities), by never having experienced the hardship of persistent manual toil and the pangs of real hunger the devotees of Wicca have lost the very connection from which all magic springs. One has to find this link individually rather than collectively.

The world of the past to which this Cunning Woman belonged was not a world particularly noted for its love and kindness, but there is a love which evolves from awe and reverence of one’s place in the Universe and the really important qualities between oneself and things. This love transcends sympathetic gooey sentimental romanticism. To discover again the realness of Nature and the source of all Occult power we should perhaps return to a way of living that our society has almost destroyed. Maybe then the children of the New Aeon will be born, and we by the simple magical act of living in such a natural way with our gods will have changed this world.

Anton Long: A Short Chronology of His Life

David Myatt c. 1989

Editorial Note (by Raffy, Nov 16, 08): After considering a polite request to remove the following article, I decided to keep it, pointing out that it is filed in the Categories Disinformation, and Allegations, and that there is already a suitable Disclaimer at the beginning of the article.

Update, Jan 30, 2009: Anton Long Chronology (pdf)


Introduction and Disclaimer:

This is the latest, updated, version (1.15a, January 120yf) and supersedes all previous versions.

I have pieced this Chronology together from a variety of sources, including some unpublished ones, some Internet items, and some articles published in various printed magazines, newspapers, and books. I have also, on occasion, used information supplied by various contacts of mine who are familiar with the life and works of both David Myatt and Anton Long.

This unofficial Chronology is based on the assumption that Anton Long is a pseudonym of David Myatt.

Thus, it is an amalgam of the assumed life of Anton Long – taken from the above mentioned variety of sources – and information about Myatt obtained from a similar variety of sources.

In the interests of fairness, I must point out that Myatt himself still continues, publicly and privately and consistently, to deny being Anton Long, and publicly and privately denies any invovlement with the ONA, and affirms his continuing commitment to Islam.

All errors, mistakes, omissions, and the unintentional reproduction of disinformation, in this Chronology, are entirely my fault.

Version 1.15a
Updated January, 120yf


Anton Long: A Short Chronology of His Life

Born 1950

1950-c.1967: Africa and Far East


^ Begins study of Martial Art, based on Taoism, in Singapore
^ Initiated into pleasures of erotica in Singapore brothel

1967: Arrives in England to complete schooling

Notable events: 1967- 1968

^ Leaves home (his father returns to live and work in Africa) – working during School holidays at a variety of jobs, including fruit picking, a farm, and a local factory. His father gives him a generous monthly allowance
^ Joins small traditional coven in the Fenlands of East Anglia
^ Begins study of National Socialism following reading about Major General Otto Ernst Remer
^ Joins Colin Jordan’s newly formed neo-nazi British Movement
^ Visits London in search of Occult groups and makes contact with small group following G*D* and Crowleyian magick, which he soon rejects as “wishy-washy arty-farty mumbo-jumbo”
^ Regularly attends meetings and rallies and demonstrations by BM, and newly formed NF, and gets involved with many fights
^ Joins small Left Hand Path group in London, and meets lady who runs a well-kept and high-class brothel: Quod duo Concubinatus genera sint, as he was to later, mockingly, write.

All this activity and seeking has a deleterious effect on his school studies, and he seriously considers quitting studying for his “A” levels and moving to live and work in London

1969 – 71

^ Seeking Promethean challenges, he becomes, for around nine months, a cat-burglar, and targets premises in London, expressing delight in the risks and the physical challenges, especially when access is through entries such as upper floor windows and roofs. He tests each “mark” personally – in terms of their individual character – before deciding if their premises, domestic or business (or both, but often just business and commercial premises), merit his attention, and later uses the experience gained to refine the ONA’s guidelines for the testing of opfers.

^ Leaves School to enter University, where he studies Physics

^ 1971: Becomes disenchanted with University, and spends more time traveling around the country attending political meetings, rallies and demonstrations, as well as working with a small Left Hand Path group, based in Yorkshire, called The Temple of the Sun, and visiting and staying with his lady friend, the brothel owner, in London where he occasionally helps out with running the business

On several occasions, he acts as Colin Jordan’s bodyguard at BM meetings and rallies.

He meets, via a contact in a Manchester Left Hand Path group, the Lady Master, of a traditional Sinister group, whose daughter initiates him into their reclusive sinister ways, and he spends many weeks staying with them, studying, and recording, their aural traditions after which his new Lady Master and her daughter emigrate to Australia, leaving him in charge of their very small Left Hand Path group, numbering less than thirteen people, to which group he gives the name Order of Nine Angles. The young lady who initiates him subsequently (and in Australia) gives birth to Myatt’s daughter, whom Myatt only meets decades later. She and her mother have stipulated that Myatt should have no contact with them, nor try to find them, unless they contact him, a stipulation which he, honorably, honors.

1971-1974: Leeds and the NDFM

^ 1971: Finally leaves University after meeting and becoming friends with Eddy Morrison at several neo-nazi rallies and meetings in Leeds, and moves, early in 1972, to live in Leeds, where he is active on behalf of BM and other neo-nazi groups, and where, in the following months – after yet another violent skirmish – he is arrested for his part in a “Paki-bashing” incident involving a gang of skinheads, for which he is subsequently sent to Prison, having been identified as the leader of that gang.
^ 1973: On release from prison he decides to form, with Eddy Morrison, his own neo-nazi group, the NDFM (National Democratic Freedom Movement), with Morrison as leader and himself in charge of propaganda.

Also forms a small criminal gang to “re-distribute some of the wealth stolen by big capitalist firms”, believing that these are “victimless crimes”. He is to be arrested, early in 1974, for his part in these crimes, after an investigation and raids by the Yorkshire Regional Crime Squad (later to become part of the National Crime Squad, which dealt with “serious and organized crime”). Following his arrest, Myatt is charged with several crimes, held on remand in prison, and is subsequently found guilty, and given a suspended Prison sentence.

He is invited to join the underground neo-nazi group Column 88 (a part of NATO’s clandestine Gladio network, with links to MI5 and MI6), which he does, and regularly attends their training sessions, meetings and camps. C88 is led by a former Special Forces Army officer, and its main NATO given task was to conduct sabotage and assassinations in the event of a Soviet invasion.

In early 1974 Myatt gives his first interview to a newspaper journalist, who subsequently reneges on his promise to show Myatt a draft before it is published, and who publishes a sensationalist and untrue story about Myatt and Satanism which appears on the front-page of the local evening newspaper, complete with Myatt’s photograph. The sensationalist claims includes stories of animal sacrifice, and Myatt is interviewed by both the RSPCA, and the Police, about these stories, with both the RSPCA and the Police concluding that they are journalistic invention. The reporter subsequently becomes ill and dies, after a lingering illness, less than a year later. Anton Long was to later write that he never did and never would sacrifice any animals since there was an abundance of human dross suitable as opfers.

Myatt makes several visits to Northern Ireland, traveling on the overnight ferry from Liverpool to Belfast, describing these as “visits of a curious tourist”.

^ 1974: the ultra-violent NDFM year where Myatt regularly speaks at public meetings and rallies, smashes up an anti-Apartheid exhibition (twice), assaults an anti-fascist photographer, and gets arrested at least five times for violent offenses, including wading into a Trades Union march and destroying one of their banners. Speaks at Speakers Corner, Hyde Park, to a crowd of nearly a thousand, and at an outdoor rally on Leeds Town Hall steps, to a crowd of several hundred, which ends in a mass brawl, and with him being arrested again. A few months later he appears in Court, and is sent to Prison, again, for his part in “inciting and leading” the fighting during yet another mass brawl.

1975-1981: ONA Insight Roles

On his release from Prison, he grows a beard, and becomes – for several months – a “Gentleman of the Road” (a drifter or vagabond), then settles down to live alone in a caravan in a field in the Fenlands to begin codifying and extensively developing ONA teachings. He undertakes the physical tasks described in the aural traditions he has inherited, then the grade Ritual of Internal Adept, in the Highlands of Scotland (near Loch Ness), afterwards resuming his regular visits to his lady friend, and her girls, in London, who have moved to new premises.

He decides he must spend many years personally trying out – and the refining, from experience – various ONA techniques, including Insight Roles, and opts to enter the noviciate of a Nazarene monastery where he spends nearly two years, during which he continues his Occult studies.

Not long after he leaves the monastery, he moves to Shropshire, resumes his Occult writings, begins writing about National Socialism, and meets the women whom he marries some months later. He successfully undertakes another Insight Role and completes all the new physical challenges he has developed, for External Adept, and described in Complete Guide To The Seven-Fold Sinister Way – having considered the ones he has inherited, and already undertaken, as “just too easy”.

Begins work as a gardener at a country house in Shropshire, and occasionally travels overseas, while continuing his association with Column 88, attending their clandestine meetings and training sessions.


Settled, in Shropshire, he begins writing in earnest about National Socialism, and publishes Vindex: The Destiny of The West and other works of his fourteen volume National-Socialist Series. Begins translating Greek literature, and publishes his translations of Sappho and Sophocles. Regularly writes for a variety of NS and nationalist publications (under his own name and using a variety of ‘nyms) including for John Tyndall’s Spearhead magazine. Privately teaches a few individuals Martial Arts, and completes The Deofel Quartet, and his voluminous ONA works, which he begins to distribute via Thormynd Press and other outlets. These ONA works include early editions of Naos, Hostia, and Black Book of Satan, Part 1

In the middle 80’s he is interviewed by the Police about the murder of a local woman (Hilda Murrell) who was an active supporter of nuclear disarmament, and is also interviewed by Jenny Rathbone, of ITV’s World in Action, about the affair (although his comments were never broadcast), suspicions having been raised in some quarters as to whether Myatt was doing some “dirty work” for MI5. Someone – who was also suspected of “dirty tricks” for MI5, knew someone who knew Myatt – committed suicide before he could be questioned about the murder, and the murder was to spawn various “conspiracy theories” although, decades later, the real murderer was found, charged and imprisoned.

A few years after this incident, Myatt divorces his wife (she goes off to live with a younger lady) and he disbands the few, and small, ceremonial ONA groups that exist and which he still leads, having returned to, and further developed, the more traditional way of individual Initiates working alone with perchance some guidance.

With Column 88 disbanded after its existence became public knowledge, he regularly travels the UK to recruit (at neo-nazi and nationalist meetings and events) members for his clandestine neo-nazi group, the Aryan Resistance Movement (later, Aryan Liberation Army) whose candidates he tests by methods deriving from the ONA, but finds only a few suitable individuals.


Still living in Shropshire, he marries again, and travels many times to Egypt and other parts of Africa (where he again visits his father’s grave which lies somewhere “between the Bangweulu swamp and the Lulua river”). He publishes further NS writings, more ONA material, and a translation of The Agamemnon by Aeschylus, and – following the untimely death of his second wife from cancer – he begins a course in Arabic at a British University only to leave after a short while to cycle through the Sahara Desert (from Cairo to El-Kharga oasis via Farafra), returning to move to live near the Herefordshire-Worcestershire border and work on a farm.

He then becomes involved with Combat 18, a group started not by Myatt himself but by Charlie Sargent, and his brother, Steve.

1994-1999: Combat 18 and The London Nail Bombings

During these years, he returns again to being publicly active on behalf of National Socialism, attending meetings and events organized by C18 and other neo-nazi groups, and again speaking in public. Several articles about him appear in the anti-fascist magazine Searchlight, and in other magazines, and Liberty Bell, in America, publish most of his Thormynd National-Socialist Series of NS essays. A booklet, attributed to Myatt, announcing the formation of a leaderless resistance racist group, “The White Wolves”, is distributed, containing practical advice on making home-made bombs. Myatt issues a bi-monthly NS publication, The National-Socialist, in support of C18. He also marries for the third time, to live (after a honeymoon in The Maldives) in what one Midlands newspaper subsequently reported (complete with photograph) as a “luxury detached four-bedroomed house” in a small village near the town of Malvern.

Not long after settling there, Myatt travels to Australia, having received an unexpected invitation from the lady who initiated him into what was to become the ONA to attend the funeral of her mother, and Myatt there meets his daughter for the first time, who is a married woman with children of her own.

Myatt continues to clandestinely recruit for his covert Aryan Resistance Movement (ARM), his terrorist manual A Practical Guide to Aryan Revolution – described as a “detailed step-by-step guide for terrorist insurrection” – is put on the Internet for the first-time by someone in Canada, and there are rumors of Myatt receiving financial support from a former member of Hitler’s Waffen SS.

He makes further visits to Northern Ireland, flying from Manchester Airport to ‘Derry, describing these visits as “coastal and hill walks; enjoying the solitude and scenery.”

During 1997, C18 splits into two factions, the disloyal faction being led by someone called Browning who was accused by Charlie and others of stealing C18 funds, and Charlie Sargent is arrested for the murder of a Browning supporter. Myatt, remaining loyal to Charlie, forms and leads The National-Socialist Movement, after getting Colin Jordan’s permission to use that name, and all the members of C18 loyal to Charlie join this group, which includes several serving soldiers of the British Army. Myatt appears at Charlie’s trial to give him public support and twice publicly challenges Browning to a duel with deadly weapons but Browning fails to accept these challenges to a private duel. A photograph of Myatt with a woman (a C18 member) – outside the Court at Chelmsford – appears in Searchlight together with a description of the continuing feud between the two C18 factions.

Myatt is interviewed at an Inn in Craven Arms, Shropshire, by Nick Lowles of Searchlight, who – fearful of Myatt’s reputation as man of violence who “always carries a weapon” – brings along a “minder” and declines Myatt’s suggestion to meet elsewhere, fearing an ambush. Unknown to Lowles, several supporters of Myatt are already present in the Inn. Lowles tries to get Myatt to admit to being Anton Long, mentioning a PO Box in Hereford which he claims is “proof”, but Myatt politely replies that he was, for a short while only, merely doing a favor for a long-standing friend whose views he did not share. Lowles eventually gets angry – shouting at Myatt: “Why don’t you just admit it!” – but Myatt remains calm and polite and repeats his denial. Myatt was later to write that he had mentioned this friend several times before, including to Professor Jeffrey Kaplan (see footnote #51 of Kaplan’s book Nation and Race). Myatt was to later publicly challenge Lowles to a duel with deadly weapons for spreading lies and making malicious allegations about him, a challenge which Lowles did not accept, leading Myatt to publicly call him “a dishonourable lying coward”.

In the early months of 1998, a squad of detectives from Scotland Yard’s SO12 unit conduct a Dawn raid on Myatt’s home and arrest him. His house is searched by seven Police officers for over seven hours, and computers, literature and other items are seized, while Myatt is taken away for questioning. (Myatt is formally arrested and cautioned by DC Mark Whalley, of S012, Scotland Yard.) Myatt is later released on bail, while the Police continue what is to be a three year long investigation into charges relating to incitement to murder, conspiracy to murder, and incitement to racial hatred, with this investigation involving Interpol, the FBI, MI6, and the Canadian Police. Myatt is again the subject of an article in Searchlight, who post a photograph of him on their front cover, with the heading The Most Evil Nazi in Britain. It later transpires that Nick Lowles and Gerry Gable, of Searchlight, and Michael Whine, of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, are the people responsible for putting pressure on Scotland Yard to arrest Myatt, having made an official complaint against him and his neo-nazi activities.

Some months after Charlie Sargent is sent to prison for murder, Myatt resigns as leader of the NSM, to concentrate on his own Reichsfolk and ARM organizations. Then, quietly, with no announcement either public or private, in September of 1998 Myatt converts to Islam at a Mosque in the Midlands.

In 1999 David Copeland – a member of Myatt’s NSM – begins his campaign to start a racial war by exploding three nail-bombs in various areas of London. Three people are killed, and over a hundred are injured, many seriously. Copeland is arrested soon after the last bomb explodes, and before he could detonate more bombs.

Prior to Copeland’s trial, Myatt is questioned by Police officers from Scotland Yard’s Anti-Terrorism branch about Copeland, but denies any connection, and he is also confronted by a reporter from the BBC’s Panorama program who asks him the same question.

Following Copeland’s trial and conviction, a year later, the BBC Panorama program about Copeland is broadcast (with Myatt’s voice altered by BBC special effects at the suggestion of Nick Lowles), accusing Myatt of being Copeland’s mentor, and there are subsequently many other Media reports about Myatt and Copeland, with journalists arriving at Myatt’s home and place of work (a farm) in an effort to interview him. Myatt declines to answer any of their questions, and instead issues a public statement in which he stated: “I personally regret nothing. There is nothing to apologize for; nothing to plead or feel guilty about…”

Every six months or so (and until 2001), the Police continue to formally interrogate Myatt (mostly at Charing Cross Police Station, in London, but on one occasion at Oxford Police Station) regarding Copeland, A Practical Guide to Aryan Revolution, and other matters relating to the charges still pending against him.


Myatt continues – until the end of 2000 – to issue editions of his The National-Socialist newsletter, as he continues to write about National Socialism, and lead Reichsfolk. At the beginning of 2001, the Police inform Myatt that they have dropped all charges against him, and return his computers and other belongings.

In the Summer of 2000, Myatt, according to one source, travels to Iran, from whence he crosses over to Iraq. He begins to write about Islam and in particular articles about and praising Osama bin Laden and the Taliban. In the Summer of 2001, Myatt leaves his wife, citing “irreconcilable differences” mostly to do with his Islam, sells the house, and goes to briefly stay with CB (and his female partner) on a farm in Shropshire for a few months, before becoming, for some months, a “Gentleman of the Road” in the fells of Cumbria.

He then settles in a town in the north of England, together with a new girlfriend, producing more writings about both Islam and what he calls The Numinous Way. After around six months, he moves again to begin work on a rural farm, visiting Egypt several times, while continuing to produce more polemical Islamist writings and continuing to try and get neo-nazis to cooperate with radical Muslims in order to fight “the tyrannical New World Order, the dishonourable profane Zionist led Crusade alliance…” and, of this cooperation, Professor George Michael was later to write that Myatt has “arguably done more than any other theorist to develop a synthesis of the extreme right and Islam.”

Between 2003 and 2006 Myatt concentrates on writing about, and being involved with, Islam, earning a reputation as a radical Islamist, a supporter of both “suicide attacks”, and of Osama bin Laden. One of his articles justifying suicide attacks is, for several years, on the Izz al-Din al-Qassam (the military wing) section of the Hamas website whose members have killed hundreds of Jews in such attacks. Myatt, in many essays and on Internet forums, in various interviews and discussions, and using his Muslim names including Abdul Aziz, defends both the 9/11 and the London 7/7 attacks.

In 2005, he is mentioned at a NATO conference On Terrorism and Communications, in Slovakia, where it is stated that he has called upon “all enemies of the Zionists to embrace the Jihad, the ‘true martial religion’ which will most effectively fight against the Jews and the Americans.”

In 2006, he takes part in an “on-line” dialog, on a well-known and respected Islamic website, answering questions from Muslims world-wide. He is the subject of a full-page article (complete with color photograph) in The Times, of London, newspaper – under the topic Muslim Extremists in Britain – and is subsequently asked by several other newspapers for interviews, and invited to appear on an Arabic television station to discuss his support for bin Laden, all of which offers he declines.

Also in 2006, Myatt – as Abdul-Aziz ibn Myatt – is mentioned at the grandly named NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Hypermedia Seduction for Terrorist Recruiting, held at Eilat, in “Israel”.

Recent Islamist articles of his include essays such as In Reply to Sheikh Salman b. Fahd al-Oadah (where he again defends bin Laden), The Revival of Aql, and The Aims of Al-Qaeda which is translated into many languages, including Italian.

Despite his involvement with Islam, rumors persist concerning Myatt continuing to be involved with the ONA, and continuing to develop his Numinous Way philosophy, and, between 2006 and 2008 dozens of new and revised articles about The Numinous Way are distributed. In early 2009 The Numinous Way Foundation issues a compilation of these revised and new articles. In the late Fall of 2008 – as in some previous years – rumors began circulating that Myatt had abandoned Islam in favor of his The Numinous Way, but Myatt himself denies this, claiming he is still a Muslim, and continues to write and publish Islamist articles, such as The Zionist Attacks on Gaza, dated 8 Muharram 1430 (i.e. January 2009).


January 120 yf



Anton Long and Myatt:

Diablerie: Revelations of a Satanist (Anton Long, Thormynd Press, 1991 e.n.)

Quod Fornicatio sit naturalis hominis (unpublished typewritten MS, by Anton Long, dated 107 yf)

Autobiographical Notes, in three parts, by David Myatt (2001-2008 CE)

Emanations of a Mage (unpublished MS by Anton Long, dated 118 Year of Fayen)

Printed and Published:

Searchlight, issue of Feb 1984

Searchlight, issue of April 1984

Searchlight, issue of January 1991

Searchlight, issue of July 1995

Searchlight, issue of April 1998

Searchlight, issue of July 2000

Jeffrey Kaplan, “Religiosity and the Radical Right: Toward the Creation of a New Ethnic Identity,” in Jeffrey Kaplan and Tore Bjorgo, eds., Nation and Race: The Developing Euro-American Racist Subculture (Northeastern University Press, 1998)

Jeffrey Kaplan (University of Helsinki) in Krista Vogelberg, Raili Raili Poldsaar. Negotiating Spaces on the Common Ground: Selected Papers of the 3rd and 4th International Tartu Conferences on North-American Studies. Tartu University Press, 2000 ISBN 9985401492, 9789985401491

Mr Evil: The Secret Life of Racist Pub Bomber David Copeland by Graeme McLagen and Nick Lowles (Blake Publications, England, July 2000)

Vacca, John R. “Computer Forensics: Computer Crime Scene Investigation”, Charles River Media, 2005, p.420. ISBN 1-58450-389-0

Whine, Michael. Cyberspace: A New Medium for Communication, Command and Control by Extremists. International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism, 1999

Karmon, Ely. Arenas for Radical and Anti-Globalization Groups Activity, NATO Workshop On Terrorism and Communications, Slovakia, April 2005

Miller, Rory (2007). British Anti-Zionism Then and Now. Covenant, Volume 1, Issue 2 (April 2007 / Iyar 5767), Herzliya, Israel.

The Nailbomber, BBC Panorama, June 30, 2000

Sunday Mercury newspaper (Birmingham, England), 9 July 2000

The Times newspaper (London, England), April 24, 2006

White Riot: The Violent Story of Combat 18 by Nick Lowles (Milo Books, England, 2001)

Michael, George. The Enemy of My Enemy: The Alarming Convergence of Militant Islam and the Extreme Right. University Press of Kansas, 2006

Goodrick-Clark, N. Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity. New York University Press, 2002

Jacob Christiansen. The Sinister Tradition. MA Thesis. University of Aarhus, Denmark. 2008

Martin Durham: White Rage: The Extreme Right and American Politics. Routledge, 2007, p.113 ISBN 0415362326

Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Hypermedia Seduction for Terrorist Recruiting, Eilat, Israel, 17-21 September 2006

Raphael Israeli: The Islamic Challenge in Europe. Transaction Publishers, 2008 ISBN 141280750


Empathy, Compassion and Honour: The Numinous Way of Life. (pdf e-text, The Numinous Way Foundation, January, 2009)

Julie Wright. The Gnostic Writings of David Myatt. e-text. December 2008

Julie Wright. David Myatt and Islam: A Personal View About An Unusual Story. (Revised edition) December 21, 2008

Julie Wright. The Numinous Way of David Myatt. December 27, 2008
