Archive for the ‘ibn myatt’ Category

Myngath – The Wyrdful Life of David Myatt

The Green Damask Room

David Myatt, from a painting by Richard Moult

Myngath is the title of Myatt’s recently issued autobiography, subtitled Some Recollections by David Myatt.

A copy of this work, issued under the Creative Commons License, is available below (and note that this is Myatt’s updated Third Edition)


David Myatt – Myngath
(pdf 1.3 MB)


Of this work, the artist and composer Richard Moult, wrote:

DWM is my closest and oldest friend, and I in turn like to think that I have come perhaps closest to appreciating the unity of his myriad lives and masks – often so contradictory and perplexing and enraging to outsiders. And also to knowing the man within – often sensitive, humorous, gentle and very human, and always empathic and inspiring.

Life for him has been and is an opportunity to be revelled in and not to be wasted. This work presents aspects of that life (and there is much left unwritten) and is a reminder to all of us who can all too easily lose ourselves in the illusory mundane existence of this present age.

DWM is a traveller in all senses, a pioneer leading the way in exploring the uncharted worlds within, around and without us. Perhaps many decades or centuries hence, he will be understood and celebrated as the human voyager he is: an example of one nexion of life seeking to understand itself within the infinite cold spaces of the cosmos.

Myatt – German Wikipedia Article

Editorial Note: Given below is the main text of the article about David Myatt from the German edition of Wikipedia (inlcuding the references). Since it varies quite a lot from the article in the English edition of Wikipedia, it should be of interest to Myatt fans, Myatt critics, opponents of Myatt, and of course to MOACS everywhere.

Abdul-Aziz ibn Myatt (* 1950[1] oder 1952[1]), vormals bekannt als David Wulstan Myatt[2][1] beziehungsweise David William Myatt,[3] ist ein britischer Islamist und früherer Neonazi. Vor seiner Konversion zum Islam im Jahre 1998 war Myatt Anführer des britischen National Socialist Movement (NSM) und ideologischer Kopf hinter Combat 18 (C18).[4] Er gilt als „Beispiel für die Achse zwischen Rechtsextremisten und Islamisten“[4] und eine der wichtigsten Figuren der englischen Neonazi-Szene seit den 1970er Jahren.[2] Er wird meist mit dem okkultistischen Flügel der Neonazi-Bewegung assoziiert.[2]

[Bearbeiten] Biographie

Vor Myatts Hinwendung zum Nationalsozialismus war seine Biographie eher unkonventionell:[2] Myatt wuchs als Kind in Ostafrika und dem Fernen Osten auf, nach eigenen Angaben stammen seine ersten Erinnerungen aus der Zeit in Tanganjika.[2]

Auf der Suche nach dem Modell hinter dem scheinbar zufälligen Weltgeschehen verbrachte er längere Zeit im Mittleren Osten und Ostasien und befasste sich mit westlichen Religionen wie Christentum und Islam und östlichen wie Taoismus und Buddhismus; dabei probierte er das Klosterleben in der christlichen wie auch der buddhistischen Form aus.[2] Im Alter von stieß er auf den Nationalsozialismus, speziell die Vorlagen solcher Mystiker wie Savitri Devi.[2] Myatts Geschichte gilt als typisch für Neonazis der 1960er-Generation.[2]

In den 1970er Jahren war Myatt fester Bestandteil der britischen nationalsozialischen Szene.[2] Er rechtfertigte den Nationalsozialismus mit dem Bezug auf die Natur, da „der arische Nationalsozialismus im Kern in Harmonie mit der Natur wirkt, um weiteren evolutionären Wandel hervorzubringen“.[5] Er war langjähriges Mitglied der Gruppierungen National Socialist Movement (NSM) und Combat 18 (C18); die britische Zeitung The Observer bezeichnet ihn als „ideologisches Schwergewicht“ letzterer.[4][6] Sein Pamphlet A Practical Guide to Aryan Revolution (1997) soll den britischen Neonazi David Copeland inspiriert haben, der 1999 für mehrere Bombenanschläge in London verurteilt wurde,[7] unter anderem einen Nagelbombenanschlag in der Schwulenkneipe Admiral Duncan in der Old Compton Street verübte, bei dem zwei Personen starben und dutzende von Menschen verletzt wurden.[8]

Zu seiner nationalsozialistischer Karriere zählen außerdem Haftstrafen wegen seiner politischen Aktivitäten und Konflikte mit dem britischen antifaschistischen Searchlight Magazine. Wegen seiner angeblichen okkulten Aktivitäten bezeichnete dieses ihn in der Einleitung jedes Berichts als „cat strangler“;[9] er selbst bestritt derartige Behauptungen und forderte jeden, der diese verbreitete, zum Duell heraus; er selbst liebe und respektiere Tiere.[9]

Myatt war der Anführer der Organisation Reichsfolk und publizierte die Magazine The National Socialist, Das Reich und Future Reich. Seine Essays wurden wiederveröffentlicht und auch über das Internet verbreitet. Er soll eng mit dem Order of Nine Angles (ONA), einem neonazistisch orientierten satanistischen Orden, kooperiert haben, und soll mit dessen Gründer oder zeitweiligem Anführer Anton Long[10][11][12][13][14] sowie Stephen Brown,[15] Algar Langton[15] und Christos Beest[9] personell identisch sein, was er jedoch bestreitet[9] und Jeffrey Kaplan für unwahrscheinlich hält.[9]

1998 konvertierte David Myatt zum Islam und nahm den Namen Abdul-Aziz ibn Myatt an,[16] schrieb aber weiterhin neonazistische Texte, die auf den Seiten von Aryan Nations und White Revolution zu finden sind.[16] Nach einem Exposé des Searchlight Magazine über Reichsfolk und den ONA im Jahre 1999, in dem er als der gefährlichste Nazi in Großbritannien bezeichnet wurde, kündigten er und Beest an, in den Untergrund zu gehen.[9] Als Islamist lobt, verteidigte und rechtfertigte Myatt Osama bin Laden und Selbstmordattentate, die er als „Märtyreroperationen“ bezeichnet, so auch die Terroranschläge am 11. September 2001.[16] Unter dem Titel Are Martyrdom Operations Lawful According to Quran and Sunnah? schrieb er „eine der ausführlichsten Verteidigungen von Märtyreroperationen in englischer Sprache“;[16][17] die Hamas soll diesen auch zur Rechtfertigung eigener Aktivitäten herangezogen haben.[16][17] Myatt sieht eine Verbindung zwischen Nationalsozialismus und Islam,[16][5] speziell in der Judenfeindlichkeit rechtsextremer und islamistischer Gruppen,[5] und versucht diese zu verstärken.[16] Allerdings ist „die Ernsthaftigkeit von Myatts Übertritt zum Islam in Frage gestellt und bezweifelt worden, ob er immer noch Moslem ist“.[16]

Während Myatts Einfluss „ursprünglich weitgehend auf ein britisches Publikum begrenzt“ war, erfuhr er nach seiner Konvertierung größere Aufmerksamkeit in arabischen Ländern, und seine Schriften, die „einst als zu esoterisch und intellektuell betrachtet wurden“, finden sich inzwischen auf populären neonazistischen Internetseiten wie Stormfront, Aryan Nations und White Revolution.[5] Daran zeigt sich auch ein wachsendes Interesse an einem Bündnis mit Islamisten seitens der neonazistischen Szene.[5]

  1. a b c Jacob Christiansen Senholt: The Sinister Tradition. Political Esotericism & the Convergence of Radical Islam, Satanism and National Socialism in the Order of the Nine Angles. University of Århus, Århus November 2009, S. 36 (, abgerufen am 17. April 2010).
  2. a b c d e f g h i Jeffrey Kaplan (Hrsg.): David Wulstan Myatt. In: Encyclopedia of White Power. A Sourcebook on the Radical Racist Right. AltaMira Press, Walnut Creek, CA 2000, S. 216 (, abgerufen am 15. April 2010).
  3. Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke: Black Sun. Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity. New York University Press, New York, London 2003, ISBN 0-8147-3155-4, S. 216 (, abgerufen am 8. März 2010).
  4. a b c Mark Weitzman: Antisemitismus und Holocaust-Leugnung: Permanente Elemente des globalen Rechtsextremismus. In: Thomas Greven, Thomas Grumke (Hrsg.): Globalisierter Rechtsextremismus? Die extremistische Rechte in der Ära der Globalisierung. 1 Auflage. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften/GWV Fachverlage GmbH, Wiesbaden Januar 2006, ISBN 3-531-14514-2, S. 61 (, abgerufen am 15. April 2010).
  5. a b c d e Mark Weitzman: Antisemitismus und Holocaust-Leugnung: Permanente Elemente des globalen Rechtsextremismus. In: Thomas Greven, Thomas Grumke (Hrsg.): Globalisierter Rechtsextremismus? Die extremistische Rechte in der Ära der Globalisierung. 1 Auflage. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften/GWV Fachverlage GmbH, Wiesbaden Januar 2006, ISBN 3-531-14514-2, S. 63 (, abgerufen am 15. April 2010).
  6. Antony Barnett: Observer review: Homeland by Nick Ryan. In: The Observer. 9. Februar 2003, abgerufen am 15. April 2010 (englisch).
  7. Mark Weitzman: Antisemitismus und Holocaust-Leugnung: Permanente Elemente des globalen Rechtsextremismus. In: Thomas Greven, Thomas Grumke (Hrsg.): Globalisierter Rechtsextremismus? Die extremistische Rechte in der Ära der Globalisierung. 1 Auflage. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften/GWV Fachverlage GmbH, Wiesbaden Januar 2006, ISBN 3-531-14514-2, S. 61f. (, abgerufen am 15. April 2010).
  8. Dozens injured in Soho nail bomb. Abgerufen am 15. April 2010 (englisch).
  9. a b c d e f Jeffrey Kaplan (Hrsg.): David Wulstan Myatt. In: Encyclopedia of White Power. A Sourcebook on the Radical Racist Right. AltaMira Press, Walnut Creek, CA 2000, S. 217 (, abgerufen am 15. April 2010).
  10. Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke: Black Sun. Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity. New York University Press, New York, London 2003, ISBN 0-8147-3155-4, S. 218 (, abgerufen am 8. März 2010).
  11. Kerry Bolton: The Numinous Cyclic Theory of David Myatt. Abgerufen am 26. Januar 2010 (englisch).
  12. JRW: The Order of Nine Angles in Historical, and Esoteric, Context. 2009, abgerufen am 26. Januar 2010 (englisch).
  13. Diane Vera: Should Satanists care about the reputation of Satanism?. 2005, abgerufen am 26. Januar 2010 (englisch).
  14. Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke: Black Sun. Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity. New York University Press, New York, London 2003, ISBN 0-8147-3155-4, S. 342 (, abgerufen am 8. März 2010).
  15. a b Elizabeth Selwyn: The Right Wing Left Hand Path. In: Black Flame Winter XXIV A.S.. 1990, abgerufen am 25. Januar 2010 (englisch).
  16. a b c d e f g h Mark Weitzman: Antisemitismus und Holocaust-Leugnung: Permanente Elemente des globalen Rechtsextremismus. In: Thomas Greven, Thomas Grumke (Hrsg.): Globalisierter Rechtsextremismus? Die extremistische Rechte in der Ära der Globalisierung. 1 Auflage. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften/GWV Fachverlage GmbH, Wiesbaden Januar 2006, ISBN 3-531-14514-2, S. 62 (, abgerufen am 15. April 2010).
  17. a b JR Wright: David Myatt Biographical Information. The Life and Times of David Myatt. 2005, abgerufen am 15. April 2010 (englisch).

Source: (Der Text ist unter der Lizenz „Creative Commons)

Дэвид Мьятт: Ислам и теория расовой борьбы

Дэвид Вулстон Мьятт (родился в 1950 г.) – британский общественный деятель, переводчик, писатель. С 1967 г. участвовал в британском неонацистском движении. Основатель и лидер влиятельнейшей британской ультранацистской фирмы “Combat 18”, известной своей тактикой городской террористической герильи, крёстный отец мирового хулиганс-движения, ветеран “Арийских Наций”. С момента основания возглавлял Британское Национал-Социалистическое Движение (NSM), был теоретиком арийской расовой войны (RaHoWa).

В конце 1960-х создал оккультный “Орден Девяти Углов” (“The Order of Nine Angles”, ONA), тайное ультраправое герметическое общество т.н. “традиционного сатанизма”, пора расцвета которого пришлась на 1980-1990-е гг. Мьятт прошёл тернистый путь духовных поисков, погружаясь в разное время в даосизм, буддизм, паганизм и христианство (принял монашеское послушание). В те годы Мьятт также изучал и переводил работы древнегреческих поэтов и драматургов Софокла, Эсхила, Гомера, Сапфо.

В 1998 г. Дэвид принял Ислам, взяв духовное имя Абдульазиз ибн Мьятт. А за год до того выпустил три книги: “Практическое руководство к Арийской Революции”, “Крестоносная война против Ислама” и “Сионистское стремление к мировому господству”. С момента обращения он не переставая работает на поприще сближения Новой Правой и протестных мусульманских сил: британских неонацистов и новообращённых радикальных мусульман. Сегодня он является деятелем международного антисионистского движения, развивает и пропагандирует теорию Джихада и террористической практики асассинов, “асассинации”.

Теперь ссылки и изображения:

Некоторые труды Дэвида Мьятта в русском переводе на сайте правых традиционалистов “Белые Общества”;

Сайт Дэвида Мьятта;

Блог, посвящённый Дэвиду Мьятту;

Сайт автобиографической книги “Введение в Сакральный Путь Дэвида Мьятта”;


Weird Tales of a Nazi Hacker

Smearing David Myatt – Again:
More Anonymous Weird Tales of a Nazi Hacker

After an absence of almost a year, Myatt’s cyber-stalker has struck again. On a new twist to an old disinformation campaign, the anonymous coward has set up a blog at

Go read that blog, and enjoy!

Loyal readers of this AboutMyatt blog – yes, all seven of nine of you! – may recall that the anonymous coward plagued message boards and forums, world wide, with claims of someone [hint, hint; wink, wink; nudge, nudge] – an alleged nazi – hacking into people’s computers in order to get personal details and then harassing those people in a horrid way, both in cyberspace, and in the real world. In order to make these totally unverified accusations seem even more horrid, the anonymous coward making the accusations made a point of claiming that “disabled people” were specifically being targeted.

The new claims are basically a variation on the old theme, except that the anonymous coward now claims that someone [hint, hint; wink, wink; nudge, nudge] has in fact set up various messages boards and forums for the specific purpose of doing all this, including – believe it or not – Black British Forums and BN Village.

Enough said, perhaps. But perhaps not. For we would like to point out again that these old – and new – claims – are not only crazily fanciful in the best paranoid delusional way – but also totally lacking credibility to the sagacious because they contain not one piece of evidence.

The anonymous coward was even challenged, last year, to report the matter to the Police, who would be most interested in such activities, and who would most certainly launch an investigation into the matter, if there was any evidence at all, even if only circumstantial.

When challenged, on one particular forum last year to do this, the anonymous coward replied – anonymously, of course – that they had done so, and that the Police just weren’t interested. Which beggars belief – unless the Police, having been given no evidence or verifiable facts in the matter – had also dismissed them as fantasies. But, even so, the Police would have been obliged to record the matter and to give the person an “incident number”. When asked for this “incident number” – or even the name of the Police Officer see, or even the Police Station where the report was made, the anonymous coward was strangely silent.

Which, of course, leads one to conclude there was no report made to the Police, and that the whole story is just more anti-Myatt disinformation; more poisonous slurs and smears against David Myatt.

On the matter of disinformation, and of slurring people in general for a political purpose, British readers will surely have read or heard about the recent plot, by one Damian McBride – friend, and advisor to the British Prime Minister Gordon Brown – to smear David Cameron, the Conservative Party leader, and other political figures. Which reveals, in its details, not only how the tactic is used, but also how commonplace such dishonourable tactics have become in the societies of the West.

Which leads us to ask: (1) why is David Myatt the subject, yet again, of another smear campaign? and (2) what does or do the person or the people behind this current campaign hope to achieve?

To answer the second question first: they hope, obviously, to discredit the man. Which leads us to the first question: why? Perhaps because they are worried about his influence? Worried about the impact of his writings? If so, what influence, and what writings? His previous incarnation as a fanatical nazi? Or his more recent incarnation as a Muslim (Abdul Aziz Ibn Myatt), preaching Jihad against “the Zionists and their Western allies”? Or both, since it does appear as if – despite his conversion to Islam and his total rejection of his former nazi views (1, 2, 3) – many people of the so-called “radical Right” still read, and often still appreciate, his NS writings.

Which all leads us to other questions. Questions such as, just who are these people who have – for over twenty years – being spreading rumours, making allegations, and propagating disinformation about Myatt? What is their agenda? Questions such as, just what have they seen, or understand or intimated, about Myatt that they consider him such a threat as to warrant such a long-lived campaign of lies, disinformation and smears? What have we, the audience for such lies, disinformation and smears, been missing, or misunderstanding about Myatt for so many years?

However, what I, personally, find particularly interesting about the whole matter of this decades-long disinformation and smear campaign against Myatt is how different people react to it. Myatt’s former political associates – the nazi and the “white nationalists” – by and large act dishonourably and either believe the disinformation, the rumours and the smear, or they mindlessly parrot them whenever Myatt is mentioned (often, of course, they do both). In a different league, altogether, it appears, are the Muslims, who either dismiss the disinformation and smears “out of hand”, or they come to Myatt’s defence, as they did, for example, of the IA forum when Myatt’s notorious zionist stalker started posting his lies.

Now, which one of these two groups of people are acting correctly, when faced with such rumours, such disinformation, such smears – about Myatt – as are now being made, yet again? Which – maybe even more interestingly – leads one to ask just why do the Muslims, it seems, act in this honourable way?

Dari Seorang Neo-Nazi Menjadi Seorang Muslim

Abdul Aziz Myatt tahun 1989

Abdul Aziz Myatt tahun 1989

Sebagai seorang aktivis kelompok sayap kiri dan pendukung Neo-Nazi, lelaki asal Inggris ini menempuh perjalanan panjang dan berliku sebelum akhirnya memutuskan untuk memeluk agama Islam. Ego sebagai bagian dari masyarakat Barat yang modern dan maju, menghalanginya untuk menemukan cahaya Islam. Namun ia yakin Allah swt telah membimbing dan memberikannya hidayah, hingga ia masuk ke sebuah masjid, mengucapkan dua kalimat syahadat dan menjadi seorang Muslim dengan nama Abdul Aziz Myatt.

Perkenalan Myatt dengan Islam berawal ketika ia berlibur ke Mesir. Di negeri Piramida itu ia berkunjung ke sebuah masjid dan hatinya tersentuh dengan keindahan suara adzan yang dilantunkan dari masjid itu meski ia belum mengerti apa itu adzan. Sejak itu, Myatt mulai ingin tahu tentang Islam dan setiap berlibur ke Mesir, ia mencari kesempatan untuk berbincang-bincang dengan Muslim Mesir dan menanyakan tentang agama mereka. Myatt juga membeli sebuah al-Quran, membacanya sedikit demi sedikit hingga ia berkesimpulan ajaran al-Quran adalah ajaran yang masuk akal dan makin membuatnya kagum dengan Islam dan umat Islam.

“Semakin banyak saya bertemu dengan Muslim, saya semakin mengagumi mereka,” kata Myatt.

Ketika itu, Myatt tidak langsung berpikiran untuk masuk Islam. Ia masih dikuasai oleh egonya, cara hidupnya sebagai orang Barat dan dua hal yang membuatnya menahan diri untuk tidak mengapresiasi Islam secara penuh dan mempelajarinya lebih jauh lagi.

Dua hal itu adalah, pertama, karena keyakinannya yang tertanam sejak lama pada alam semesta. Keyakinan bahwa umat manusia adalah milik dari seorang “ibu” yaitu “bumi”. Kedua, karena budaya bangsanya yang membuatnya merasa lebih mulia dan superior dibandingkan bangsa lainnya. Selama puluhan tahu, Myatt terombang-ambing dalam keyakinan itu, yang ia pikir sebagai sumber dari zat yang suci. Belum lagi posisinya sebagai aktivis kelompok sayap kiri dan Neo-Nazi yang membuat banyak orang termasuk para wartawan yang menilainya sebagai politisi yang jahat.

“Ketika itu saya masih bersikap arogan, yang hanya percaya dengan keyakinan saya sendiri dan dalam memahami apa yang telah saya raih,” imbuh Myatt.

Hatinya tergerak kembali untuk mulai serius mempelajari Islam ketika ia beralih profesi, mengelola sebuah peternakan. Ia bisa bekerja selama berjam-jam seorang diri. Kedekatannya dengan alam, mengetuk jiwa dan rasa kemanusiaannya. Ia mulai menyadari kesatuan alam semesta dan bagaimana ia menjadi bagian dari semua itu yang ciptakan oleh Tuhan.

Jauh di dasar hatinya, Myatt mengakui bahwa alam semesta ini tidak terjadi secara kebetulan tapi memang diciptakan. Terkadang keyakinan dan ego lamanya muncul. Ia merasakannya seperti berperang dengan godaan setan. Namun ia makin meyakini di dalam hatinya tentang satu-satunya Sang Maha Pencipta.

“Untuk pertama kalinya saya merasa diri saya begitu kecil. Kemudian tanpa sengaja saya mengambil al-Quran dari rak buku, al-Quran yang saya beli waktu berkunjung ke Mesir. Saya mulai membacanya dengan seksama. Sebelumnya, saya hanya membolak-balik lembarannya dan membaca sepintas lalu beberapa ayat,” tutur Myatt.

“Apa yang saya temukan di al-Quran adalah hal-hal yang logis, alasan, kebenaran, keadilan, kemanusiaan dan keindahan,” sambungnya.

Myatt makin tertarik untuk lebih mendalami agama Islam. Ia pun mencari informasi tentang Islam lewat internet dan membaca banyak artikel tentang agama Islam di situs-situs Islam. Dengan melepaskan semua prasangka dan arogansinya, Myatt harus mengakui kalau agama Islam adalah agama yang mulia.

“Saya merasakan menemukan ajaran tentang kemuliaan, rasa hormat, rasa saling percaya, keadilan, kebenaran, kemasyarakatan, mengingat Tuhan setiap hari, disiplin diri, penyikapan terhadap materi dari sisi spiritual dan pengakuan bahwa kita adalah hamba yang harus mengabdi pada Tuhan,” papar Myatt.

Ia juga mempelajari sosok Nabi Muhammad saw dan kehidupannya. Bagaimana Rasulullah menyebarkan agama Islam dan membentuk sebuah peradaban manusia, yang membuat Myatt terkagum-kagum. “Bagi saya, ia (Rasulullah) adalah manusia sempurna dan contoh sempurna yang harus kita tiru,” tukas Myatt.

Ia melanjutkan, “Semakin banyak saya tahu tentang Islam, semakin banyak keraguan dan pertanyaan dalam diri saya yang terjawab selama hampir 13 tahun belakangan ini. Saya benar-benar merasa bahwa saya akhirnya ‘pulang ke rumah’, menemukan jati diri saya. Rasanya seperti ketika saya pertama kali tiba di Mesir dan berkeliling kota Kairo dengan menara-menara masjid dan suara adzannya.”

Myatt merasa bahwa hijrahnya ke agama Islam bukan sebuah pertanyaan lagi, tapi sebuah tugas yang harus dilakukan. Karena saya telah menemukan kebenaran bahwa Tiada Tuhan Selain Allah dan Nabi Muhammad adalah utusanNYa.

Myatt kemudian mendatangi sebuah masjid dan menyatakan ingin menjadi seorang Muslim. Ia diterima oleh jamaah masjid dengan hangat dan penuh rasa persaudaraan, yang membuatnya terharu dan meneteskan air mata. Ia bersyukur Allah swt telah menunjukannya jalan yang benar.

Chi sono i nuovi fascisti?

A Promethean Quest

Il 7 febbraio del 1967 viene fondato il “Fronte Nazionale”, partito dell’estrema destra britannica. Nello stesso anno, il diciassettenne David Myatt sbarca a Londra, dopo aver vissuto la sua giovinezza prima in Tanzania e poi in Estremo Oriente, seguendo il padre che lavorava nell’amministrazione coloniale inglese. Il giovane Myatt è uno sfegatato ammiratore di Hitler e nei vent’anni successivi la sua fede neonazista crescerà insieme al consenso che il Fronte Nazionale acquista in Inghilterra. Nel 1974, il Fronte poteva contare su almeno ventimila aderenti. Il salto di qualità Myatt lo compie quando crea il gruppo Combat 18 (C18), braccio armato dell’organizzazione Blood & Honour. Il numero ‘18’ si riferisce alla prima e all’ottava lettera dell’alfabeto, le iniziali di Adolf Hitler.

Nei primi anni Novanta, C18 diventa il servizio d’ordine del Fronte. Nel 1997, Myatt scrive un pamphleet intitolato “Guida pratica alla rivoluzione ariana”, in cui descrive, passo dopo passo, come far scoppiare una guerra etnica per liberare il suolo patrio dalla malefica presenza di africani, asiatici e giudei. Le sue idee fanatiche sono esattamente quello di cui vanno in cerca personaggi schizofrenici e paranoici come David Copeland, un ventenne che aveva scelto di militare nel Movimento nazional-socialista inglese (un’altra delle creature di Myatt). Nell’aprile del ’99, per due settimane, Copeland semina il panico nelle strade di Londra. Prima una bomba in un supermarket di Brixton, una zona popolata in gran parte di neri. Poi un secondo ordigno a Brick Lane, nell’east end, quartiere a prevalenza asiatico con una forte presenza di immigrati bengalesi. Infine il botto all’Admiral Duncan Pub di Soho’s, il cuore della comunità omosessuale londinese. Le bombe sono infarcite di chiodi, fanno tre morti e un centinaio di feriti.

David Myatt non ha l’aspetto di un neonazista classico, niente testa rasata, Doc Marten’s e bomber ultimo modello. Sembra piuttosto un eccentrico gentleman di campagna, con la lunga barba rossiccia e il completo di tweed. Ha un quoziente intellettivo di tutto rispetto e una passione altrettanto sconfinata per le religioni, che lo spinge a studiare il taoismo e a frequentare monasteri buddisti e cristiani. Traduce Omero, Sofocle e i lirici greci, scrive poesie e racconti di fantascienza. La sua ricerca faustiana lo conduce ai limiti dell’occultismo e sconfina nel satanismo. Parla di una “Via luminosa della cultura folk”, una forma di paganesimo basata sul ritorno al mondo rurale, sul rispetto dell’ordine naturale, la lealtà ai valori familiari, il volk e la libertà individuale. Sembra una riedizione dell’herderismo più reazionario, in cui la parola ‘comunità’ acquista esclusivamente un valore razziale e ostile a ogni forma di mescolanza.

Nel 1998, la svolta. Myatt si converte all’Islam e prende il nome di Abdul Aziz. Dopo l’11 Settembre, i suoi eroi diventano Osama Bin Laden e i Taliban, il suo indirizzo di posta elettronica In fondo cosa c’è di meglio dell’islamismo per uno che definisce l’Olocausto “una menzogna”?

Ma perché un neonazista che in strada pestava negri e pakistani è finito in moschea? Facile, si è reso conto che una rinascita dell’estrema destra in Europa è inverosimile mentre la creazione di un superstato musulmano sarebbe una buona carta da giocare contro il sionismo e l’Occidente: “Non ci sarà né rivolta, né rivoluzione, in nessun paese occidentale, da parte di nazionalisti o nazionalsocialisti, perché difettano del desiderio, della motivazione e dell’ethos per farlo, perché capiscono di non avere il sostegno della maggioranza della propria gente”. L’esortazione per i camerati è una soltanto, convertirsi, “accettare la superiorità dell’Islam su tutte le strade indicate dall’Occidente”. Il Jihad è un dovere, un’alternativa al “disonore, l’arroganza e il materialismo” del Vecchio continente. “Per l’Occidente nulla è sacro, salvo, forse, il sionismo, le chiacchiere sull’Olocausto e l’idolatria per la democrazia”.

Myatt si convince che la guerra dichiarata dall’Islam sarà lunga decenni e che la Gran Bretagna potrebbe ritrovare nel Corano i valori della sua antica casta guerriera. Sostiene che “tutte le bombe sono terribili o barbare” comprese quelle ideologiche che aveva messo a disposizione di Copeland, evidentemente. Nei siti internet dell’estremismo islamico, Aziz viene considerato un “esperto”, un “discepolo”, un “sant’uomo”. In un’intervista del 2003, lo sceicco Omar Bakri dichiara: “Sono convinto che Myatt può aiutare la causa islamica”.

Lo scrittore e giornalista canadese Mark Steyn è convinto che la saldatura tra fascismo e jihad è destinata ad avere grande successo in futuro. Abbracciando l’Islam, i fautori della ‘supremazia della razza bianca’ saranno attratti dalla parola “supremazia” più che dalla difesa del white power. “Il fondamentalismo islamico attirerà i violenti, gli squilibrati, gli antisemiti, in una infinita Notte di Valpurga dell’irrazionalità”. Nel saggio “America Alone”, Steyn avverte che i neoconvertiti alla Myatt non sono l’equivalente di Richard Gere con il buddismo e di Tom Cruise con Scientology: “Quando le città dell’Inghilterra, del Belgio e della Scandinavia saranno islamizzate, i loro abitati dovranno scegliere tra vivere come una minoranza ed entrare a far parte della maggioranza della popolazione. La maggior parte potrebbero optare per la seconda scelta”.

George Michael è un professore di scienze politiche all’Università della Virginia. Nel 2006 ha pubblicato un saggio, The Enemy of My Enemy: The Alarming Convergence of Militant Islam and the Estreme Right, in cui prova a fare un quadro della Nuova Alleanza che si sta scagliando contro l’Occidente. Dobbiamo risalire agli anni Settanta e Ottanta, quando si formò quel contraddittorio nucleo di organizzazioni che – dalla sinistra rivoluzionaria all’estrema destra – attaccavano gli Stati Uniti e le nazioni occidentali per aver invaso il Vietnam e aiutato Israele nella ‘repressione’ della causa palestinese. Chi è cresciuto in Italia nel ventennio in questione ricorderà la propaganda antisionista (leggi: antisemita) fatta da compagni e camerati nelle università; le manifestazioni, i volantini, le conferenze e i seminari, uguali a quelli che le quinte colonne dell’Occidente hanno promosso contro la liberazione dell’Afghanistan e dell’Iraq dopo l’11 Settembre.

Come dimenticare i nipotini delle Brigate Rosse – il Partito Comunista Combattente e i Nuclei Territoriali Anti-imperialisti, che salutarono il crollo delle Torri Gemelle come “un atto eroico di Al Quaeda contro l’imperialismo americano”? E Nadia Desdemona Lioce che invitava “le masse arabe e islamiche oppresse, espropriate ed umiliate” ad allearsi con il proletariato metropolitano, armandosi in un unico grande fronte intenazionale antimperialista in grado di scatenare una nuova offensiva contro i governi borghesi?

Un dittatore come Saddam Hussein veniva difeso non soltanto dai rottami più aggressivi dell’ideologia comunista, ma anche da spezzoni del movimento antiglobalizzazione, dai gruppi radicali impegnati nelle battaglie sul welfare, sull’ecologismo e i diritti umani (sic). Da un’estrema all’altra, i toni non cambiano di una virgola. Per Myatt, il Jihad è “la vera religione marziale”, meglio del Bushido e dell’antica Sparta. Secondo David Duke, il fondatore del Ku Klux Klan, gli evangelici che in America si sono schierati dalla parte di Israele hanno dimenticato gli “osceni” attacchi rivolti dal Talmud a Gesù Cristo: “Il Sacro Corano dell’Islam oggi difende Cristo e sua madre Maria dalle odiose calunnie del giudaismo”. Duke, naturalmente, è stato uno degli ospiti d’onore della Conferenza negazionista patrocinata dal governo iraniano nel 2006.

“Il nemico del mio nemico è mio amico”, un perfetto adagio delle mafie fasciste. Gloria ad Al Quaeda, all’Hezbollah, ad Hamas, ai Fratelli Musulmani, e a tutti quelli che possono colpire per davvero il nemico che ormai ‘noi’ siamo soltanto in grado di graffiare a parole. Myatt non è uno stupido e ha capito che inchinarsi verso la Mecca, almeno per lui, non significa rinnegare la svastica. In teoria, così come i razzisti di estrema destra e i segmenti del cristianismo più delinquente tendono a deridere e a escludere chi non è bianco e cristiano, allo stesso identico modo i fondamentalisti islamici se la prendono con i non-musulmani, gli ebrei e gli americani. Internet e la globalizzazione hanno favorito questa interazione che ha nell’antisemitismo il suo minimo comune denominatore.

Durante il Terzo Reich e la Seconda Guerra mondiale, i Fratelli Musulmani simpatizzarono per le Forze dell’Asse. Hitler in persona era in buoni rapporti con il gran muftì di Gerusalemme. Quest’ultimo diede il suo benestare all’inquadramento delle divisioni musulmano-bosniache nelle Waffen SS. Dopo Norimberga, un numero imprecisato di nazisti disoccupati cercarono rifugio in Medio Oriente, lavorando come consulenti militari ed esperti d’intelligence. Li troviamo all’ombra del governo egiziano di Nasser, per esempio i commandos di Otto Skorzeny, che insanguinarono la Striscia di Gaza a metà degli anni Cinquanta.

Uno dei discepoli di Goebbels, Johann von Leers, dopo aver preso il nome di Oman Amin von Leers, aiutò Nasser nella sua propaganda antioccidentale. Questa collaborazione sarebbe continuata fino alla fine degli anni Sessanta: l’ex SS belga Robert Courdroy e il neonazista Karl von Kyna vennero uccisi mentre combattevano a fianco delle milizie palestinesi.

Negli anni Novanta, la fine dell’Unione Sovietica ha favorito i nostalgici del nazismo che cercavano una ricollocazione storica e strategica, avendo perso il loro principale nemico, i comunisti. Ora c’era un altro avversario, il Moloch in cui convergevano la grande finanza globale, il cinema ‘giudeo’ e l’hard power americano. Myatt e i suoi sognano di costruire degli stati fondati sulla esclusività razziale e religiosa, un incubo che ritengono a portata di mano dopo l’11 Settembre.

Negli Stati Uniti, la National Alliance e la Nazione Ariana hanno solidarizzato con Bin Laden, sperando che la popolazione islamica americana si risvegli contro l’oppressore. Virtualmente tutti i terroristi vengono fuori dai ranghi dell’estremismo, anche se non tutti gli estremisti sono dei terroristi, ma l’estremismo politico serve spesso da incubatore per il futuro terrorismo. Sono i rischi della politica seguita dall’amministrazione Bush, che ha creduto di poter affrontare il terrorismo enfatizzando “l’eccezionalità delle istituzioni americane e la fede messianica nello loro applicabilità universale”.

In uno studio intitolato “Militant Islam Reaches to America”, pubblicato dal professor Daniel Pipes nel 2002, c’è scritto chiaramente che ad unire l’estremismo americano, occidentale e islamista, c’è lo stessa carica utopica radicale, il rifiuto della coesistenza, l’odio verso l’Occidente, la democrazia e il moderatismo. Per tutti questi motivi la storia di David Myatt non deve sorprenderci ma neppure lasciarci indifferenti.


Stalking Myatt

Stalking Myatt:
Tales of a Nazi Hacker (And More)

by Pointyhat

In addition to the recent spate of anonymous posts on Internet forums pretending to ask for information about “David Myatt and Islam“, there has been, for several years, other anonymous posts about Myatt, to Internet forums, with titles like “A Nazi Hacker”.

These other posts make the absurd claim that some neo-nazi (or some neo-nazi Satanist) is hacking into the computers of “vulnerable” and/or “disabled” people, and stealing personal information about them. Sometimes Myatt is directly named in these posts; sometimes not, although if he is not directly named then links are given to biased articles about or concerning Myatt, which articles usually make the usual unproven allegations about “involvement with Satanism” and so on. Occasionally, these anonymous posts claim that the writer “has contacted the Police” about the hacking, and that the Police don’t take him/her/it seriously. The posts have appeared on forums as diverse as those about Billy Brag, those to do with “Black politics”, and those to do with education such as the “Association of Jewish Sixth Formers”.

Occasionally, there have been responses to these anonymous posts, with some respondents taking the ludicrous – and always unsubstantiated – claims seriously, and with some realizing they are the posts of a troll, a stalker, or someone with an obsession, with personality problems or some kind of personality disorder.

The total lack of evidence given for the allegations made, directly or indirectly, against Myatt is one of the most obvious features of not only these anonymous posts, but also of the many journalistic articles about Myatt which have regularly appeared and which do regularly appear in newspapers, in periodicals, and on the Internet. More often than not, the allegations revolve around alleged involvement with Satanism, although quite why anyone these days would find such now rather common-place activities startling, heretical, outlandish, or mildly salacious or even interesting, is never explained. Which is why, I suppose, the new anonymous stalker is trying a new angle – of “a nazi hacking the computers of disabled people”. Shock; horror; gasp! Hold the front-page! Let’s make a new BBC Panorama special!

It seems likely that all these anonymous posts about “David Myatt and Islam”, and about a “Nazi hacker”, are by one and the same person, given the content, the style, the attempts at being clever, and their placement on varying, and world wide, forums. The content almost always includes links to the above mentioned biased Internet articles about Myatt.

It also seems likely that we can expect more such posts by the anonymous person, for this person obviously has a serious obsession with Myatt, and obviously has either some personality disorder or some psychological problem, or – like Myatt’s infamous Zionist stalker – is intent, because of his own religious and/or political views, on trying to somehow discredit Myatt by such anonymous posts.

Perhaps there is only one Myatt stalker out-there in cyber-land: the “original Myatt stalker” (®Trademark) – a.k.a the obsessive Zionist – who has now branched out, and is trying some new anti-Myatt angle. Perhaps there are now two stalkers, the original one, and this “new Myatt stalker” (®Trademark) who is addicted to posting stories about Myatt and who, obviously deluded, sees himself/herself/itself as rather clever by inventing stories about a Nazi hacker and by pretending to ask for information while repeating unproven allegations about Myatt.

Personally, my view is that there are now two Myatt stalkers. But perhaps some more will join this select and always anonymous group, and they will get together to widen the scope of their allegations. How’s about: “David Myatt is an alien from Outer Space”? Or: “Myatt is a vampire and regularly sucks the blood of his victims?” Too outré? OK, how’s about: “Myatt the secret MI5 agent”? Oh, sorry, that’s already been done. Well, then, how’s about: “Myatt the secret cat-burglar”? Or: “Myatt the drug-dealer”. Or even: “I was Myatt’s sex slave and the freaky fiend had a passion for three women in a bed…”

But what does seem clear from these regular anonymous posts which have been regularly occurring for at least seven years is that there are disturbed maladjusted people “out there” who take cowardly advantage of the Internet to anonymously spread their delusions, their fantasies, their prejudices, their unproven allegations – and the lies of others – about Myatt. Part of the human condition, I suppose. Potential opfer, anyone?